The Mexican Meteorock

by Sally

One day all the dinosaurs were on land they saw something in the sky. It looked like a big rock. It was falling down. All of the dinosaurs didn't know what it was. They thought that it was a big rock that would make everything warm for them, but it was really a meteorock.

And it fell down and made a huge hole in the earth. All of the dinosaurs fell into the hole and another meteorock fell and blocked them in.

This is why there are no more dinosaurs.

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by: Granny and Grandpa

A brilliant explanation of how the dinosaurs became extinct. Poor dinosaurs, but probably good for us because they look pretty scary.
Well done sally

New Dinosaur Idea
by: P&S Cheltenham

What an interesting idea! It was bad luck that two meteorocks fell down! Poor dinosaurs---they became a dinosaur sandwich!!

We think this author should write some more interesting stories that explain stuff.. we would read them!

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